Relationship healing and transformation

practice & intervention guides

soul retrieval 

1:1 Ascension Mentoring

Check out the service options to find what best fits your needs. I'm excited to learn more about your story and where your'e being guided to next! 

for the journey


• Weekly or bi-weekly Zoom calls.
• Chakra assessment and breakdown.
• Shadow work healing and guidance.
• Tarot guided energy breakdown.
• Access to resource & learning guides.
• Chakra re-assessment paired with
Shamanic energy healing session. 
• Soul Path Blueprint

I'll channel for you the energy that's coming through each of your chakras and break down how that informs your overall energy and how you are showing up. Tarot guidance will assist with capturing important themes and archetypes that are going to be important for you to understand and work with. We will also look at the associated shadow work (healing) needed and the roadmap for implementation (guidance/homework).

Here is where we check in on the implementation and address any gaps or redirection needed as you implement the guidance. We continue doing the ongoing shadow work and continue to transmute mental and emotional blocks.

I'll re-assess your chakras and do a shamanic practice energy healing to remove debris and enable the chakras to communicate with one another, in a more balanced ecosystem. The effects of the energy work will continue to integrate and assist you with your ascension as you  move forward.

his is where you really see the power and beauty of the higher self with the guidance of spirit. We will talk about what your meant to do on your soul aligned path. Aspects of your soul fulfillment/career that you've likely tapped into already but that need more clarity and expansion. 

• LIVE zoom call.
• Shadow work healing and guidance.
• Tarot guided energy breakdown.
• Chakra assessment and breakdown.
• Access to resource & learning guides.

What's included in the full
journey activation?
Energy assessment

deepening the work

Energy healing

soul path blueprint

What's included in a
single session?

This is a sacred journey of going deeper and choosing yourself in more profound ways. It's activating the "yes" of what your soul already knows but has forgotten or been displaced through difficult experiences and emotional imprints. These imprints can hang out in the "blind spot" or subconscious mind making it difficult to operate in the fullness of your authentic power. 

In my experience, what creates a powerful, foundational, and sustainable shift in your experience is combination of:

Locating and understanding how energy is presently showing up in your body, engaging in energy healing, balancing and re-integration, and actively doing shadow work to maintain grow your relationship with your higher self.


INVESTMENT $120/session or
$450 for 4 sessions Journey

Let's do this!

Ascension Mentoring

  • 50 min Zoom call
  • Chakra Assessment and breakdown
  • Soul Retrieval process
  • Tarot guided energy breakdown
  • Shadow work breakdown and recommendations
  • Resource/learning guide if needed.
What's included?

Parts of our soul and who we are can become fragmented or feel "lost" for a number of reasons. Mental, emotional, and physical traumas, relationship issues/endings, grief and loss, and other life altering events. For survival and adaption, we may enter into levels of detachment and dissociation enabling what may feel like a barrier or perplexing block down the road.

The soul retrieval process is a shamanic healing practice that enable to me to travel between realms to communicate with spirit,  locate the lost pieces, and re-integrate it for forward movement.

This meditative session is followed by directions for continued shadow work and integrated maintenance of the retrieved soul piece. 

50 min SESSION


• Weekly or bi-weekly Zoom calls.
• Shadow work healing and guidance.
• Tarot guided energy breakdown.
• Chakra assessment and breakdown.
• Access to resource & learning guides.

What's included?

Relationships are a powerful force of personal insight and connection. We often play out aspects of our "inner relationship" with those around us. From the ways in which we feel triggered to how we go about seeking out our desires or not seeking them out. Similar to addressing our personal blocks, partnerships also experience blocks. Each person has contributed or played a role in what is no longer working in the dynamic. When a stagnant cycle plays out over time, it can form what feels like a life of its own. It can feel like the relationship carries a false and confusing identity. Like a  force of energy that feels difficult or too much to tackle and re-align.

What I have found is that the life force or purpose of the relationship is actually being called to change, grow, and evolve. It wants to awaken to more aligned truths, to be better understood, and to be set free from what is no longer serving it. The union wants to express a greater sense of clarity and purpose.

I would be honored to guide you.

INVESTMENT $150/couples session or
$570 for 4 sessions

Loved Ones



Long lasting change is all about integration. I have curated a series of handouts and video guides to assist you in the work outside of our live sessions. I'll pair you with the right interventions according to where you are on your journey.

Healing strategies 

Tap into the
Included in mentoring

I'm all about foundational long-term integrated transformation. Quick fix approaches can lead to massive disappointment, regression, and discouragement of moving forward again. 

Transformation doesn't have to "take long". Its more about whether the energetic signature has truly shifted and can be sustained. For me, it's important that my clients feel the shift in their energy for themselves and not just take my word for it. 

Foundational change

Combining Shamanic healing with psychotherapy approaches has been such a powerful force of transformation for my clients. 

I've found it to be a beautiful dance of masculine and feminine energy. The practical, logical, and tangible, paired with the spiritual, trust centered, and receiving nature of working with spirit.

The approach models the balance many of us are looking to achieve in our day to day lives.

Shamanic integration

In my years of practice I have seen the power of practical tools to liven and solidify foundational healing and change.

I created intervention tools and practice guides to assist my clients in deepening the work and taking accountability for their progress and journey.

And through the use of the tools we can also gain more information about how to move and redirect.

Power of practice

Why Whitnee?

Ready to start?